Friday, September 7, 2012

Purify- Plus- ANTLR

I'm not regular blogger plz guys .... bare with my chaty words :) ...

Bit history why I tot of blogging one ?

Few months back ....We decided  to have a  dynamic solution for our  C and C++ apps get rid of memory, threading issues... along apps performance bottlenecks...and thanks my ex colleagues @ S7 (now  part of   bluecoat system 

As a opensource enthusiast.... first-think was flashed in my mind was  Valgrind ( ,Address  and Thread sanitizer ( etc ….  which are  great tools  with their own strengths …….…due to their openness …. we cudn't stick to them for our needs L L

So Hunt was started from commercial front ends like Intel thread checker, INSURE  plus, Bounds Checker etc ….

But finally we boiled down to purifyplus from Rational ..Now part of IBM ...One of my admirer and excolleague has worked on the same ...We cal him  MAC Anna...A apple fanboy founder of Little Eye Labs(  ions  working on the dynamic  solutions for a  android platform J   …......And  U rarely  see that ..…A Big Apple Fan guy …..Working on Android solutions J ……

But we were  unhappy  with  the purify poor text format output :( ..Which is not demystifying descriptive…...Unlike fortify …..And I completely agree that …..Purifyplus is a developer tool ..But happens you to that … the same output ….you end up sharing between management and QA folks ……..just wondering ….why still  ?...IBM is not thinking to enhance the same  ....only IBM folks ....can answer here ………

So we decided to enhance the purify plus text having  our own parser ……to parser the purifyplus text dump …. And get much demystifying output ….by a  tool called  Antlr ( a recursive parser generator  from Terence Parr...........Again my ex-colleague Indhu@ S7 part of Bluecoatsystems.....A truly genius …who demonstrate the ANTLR  to us  sometime ago ……Indhu ….if u r reading this .....thanks and it’s my privilege to work with u........

Finally we  go ....we able to get the purifyplus demystifying output in the funky pdf format....Thought  of sharing snapshot of the same …but again … current company policy …is not allowing me  to do so …really sorry guysL …

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